§1     NAME

The name of the foundation is Ryfylkemuseet.

The Ryfylkemuseet foundation was established on 25 November 1993 through a revision of the association Ryfylkemuseet and by having the properties owned by that association becoming part of the foundation.


The museum is a societal institution that shall contribute to the preservation of history, especially for the period dating from the Reformation and up to the present day. The museum shall, to the extent that this is possible, work for the protection of cultural sites and for their being of value to the area in which they are found.

Ryfylkemuseet shall offer information and experience and shall contribute to a positive societal development in Ryfylke.

The museum is part of the national museum network and the museum system in Rogaland county and shall abide by the guidelines, conditions and requirements set by the authorities concerning the professional activities at the museum and the structure of the budget, accounts and auditing.

The museum shall cooperate with local associations and institutions, and with municipal and county-municipal authorities concerning the appoinment of responsibilities and duties in a regional and national perspective.


The supreme governing body of the museum is the Board. The Board can consist of up to 13 members who shall be chosen in the following way:

– One member with deputy member from each municipality that has established a hosting or cooperative agreement with the museum
– One member with deputy member designated by Rogaland County Municipality
– Up to two members with deputy members elected among the members of the friends’ associations
– Two members with deputy members elected by the museum staff

The municipal and county municipal members are designated for the election period (four years).

The friends’ association and the museum staff members are elected for two years.

Change in the composition of the Board shall take place in that meeting where the current Board finalizes the annual report and the accounts for the previous year.

The Board shall choose its own chairperson and vice-chairperson for a two-year period. The Board can also appoint an executive Committee.

The Board shall govern museum operations in accordance with the plans, statutes and rules specified in the Law on foundations, and arrange for proper accountancy and auditing. A principal duty for the Board is to secure funds for the further development and expansion of the museum in addition to ensuring a high level of competence in its professional museum activities and in the care and management of its collections.

Board members shall be summoned to meetings by a written announcement at least one week in advance. The Board shall be summoned by the chairperson or whenever at least three Board members request a meeting. The Board has a quorum when one-half of its members are present. Decisions shall be reached by a majority vote of those present. Should the vote be equal, the decision reached by the chairperson shall be valid.

The head of the county municipal cultural department has the right to meet, speak and propose measures at Board Meetings.

Day-to-day operations and secretarial functions for the Governing Body shall be the responsibility of the museum director. This director shall have accepted scientific qualifications comparable to those required for a curator. The director has the right to meet, speak, and propose measures for the Board. The director shall prepare the issues presented to the Board.

The chairperson, together with the director, is the legal representative of the Foundation.


Friends’ associations may be established for Ryfylkemuseet or for the individual division.
Friends’ associations shall support activities at the museum and at the individual divisions. Friends’ associations establish their own statutes. In order to take part in the membership advantages offered by the museum, members of friends’ associations must pay the fees stipulated by the Board.


The basic capital is NOK 200,000.


Conversion of the foundation shall take place according to the Law on Foundations.

A decision for conversion can be reached by 3/4 of the elected board members. Before such conversion can take place, the proposal for conversion shall be sent to the municipalities and the county municipality for comment.

Rogaland County Municipality shall approve the statutes and the Board’s decision for conversion. Should such conversion take place, the museum collections shall be allocated by Rogaland County Municipality in cooperation with the municipalities to which the objects belong.