One of the museum’s main duties is that of being a collective social memory, a duty we carry out through collection, documentation, research and conservation. The basis for such activities is the collections of buildings, objects, photographs, sound recordings and archives. By studying and interpreting these sources, we can produce new knowledge that will be presented through our exhibitions, lectures, publications and the digital media.

Our foremost current research project is linked to an agreement with Suldal Municipality on the writing of a work of local history. Ryfylkemuseet has employed an author for this work since 1986. Roy Høibo wrote the book “The Saga of Sand”, which was completed in 1993. Ernst Berge Drange has since been employed as a full-time local history author. This position is financed by Suldal Municipality who buys the service from Ryfylkemuseet. The result thus far is eight volumes of local history about Sand, Erfjord and Jelsa. In 2014, work started on writing the four-volume history of Suldal.

Research carried out at Ryfylkemuseet is published as separate works, reports, articles in relevant journals as well as in our own annual, «Folk i Ryfylke».


In relation to its size, Ryfylkemuseet carries out extensive research and documentation work. Below you can find information about on-going research projects and also short summaries of some of the museum’s more important completed Projects.

On-going projects

  • Barn i bygda
  • Bygdebøker for gamle Suldal kommune

Previous Projects